Eugene smith, born on December 30 1918 was a photojournalist who was best known for his WWII photos. His photos are also known for being well known yet not following professional standards. Since his pictures during WWII from 1939-1945 were so serious he also had some light enjoyable pictures. These pictures often included people with odd facial expressions. I chose Eugene smith because I believe that his photography is much different than other photographers because he plays outside the box and uses his creativity to create his photos. This photographer inspired me to relax and have fun while taking photos. Not everything has to be exactly precise for the photo to be amazing. This changed my view on photography a lot while working on this project, I really learned what photography means and how artistic it can be.
Camera Raw Edits
Exposure: +0.03
Highlights: +27
Shadow: -5
Blacks: +15
Contrast: +6
Vibrance: -90