Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 1- Semester Final

Final Exam
  1.  My favorite photo from the Lens Blog is the 6th photo which is a Mercedes Benz driving through the desert. The first reason that this is my favorite photo is because it shows depth of field which makes the sand look never-ending. The second reason that this is my favorite photo is because The rule of thirds is applied into this photo which keeps it interesting rather than leaving the car in the middle, you get to use your imagination and let it run as fast as you want it to. The third reason why this is my favorite photo is because it uses the composition rule, eliminate and simplify which makes the picture clear and clean cut.                                              
  2. The photo that I think is the best would be the 7th photo. It uses depth of field because some of the lights appear very small in the back and very large up close. Another great composition rule they used was Balancing elements, they were able to capture some light consistently in different parts of the picture. The third composition rule used to make this the best picture would be Background. The background is simply black and unobtrusive, which is great because it doesn't take away from the neon lights                                                                                          
  3. I thought this photo was my best work this year because i was able to incorporate 3 different composition rules into my picture which included  the Rule of Thirds, Filling the Frame, and eliminate and simplify. I also think this is my best work because of the experience I had while taking it. I had to not only angle the camera but angle Deborah so that her face was hitting the light exactly how I wanted it to. The last reason I thought this was my best work because I often look back at it for inspiration on my next photo. If I was given more time on this assignment, I would have taken that time and put it to use while editing. I could have made the colors more vibrant and had a bigger contrast with the walls and her face.                                                               
  4. My three rules of composition include the Rule of Thirds, Eliminate and Simplify, and Filling the Frame.                                                                                                                                              
  5.     First Portrait                             This Photo Includes two composition rules. One of them is The rule of thirds because Anish is off center an near the left side. The second rule is Filling the frame. I did not wan to cut off the Neon green and yellow mural because it adds a pop in  contrast with the shaded part of his face                                                                                         
  6.  The first composition rule that Mr. Farley Explained was getting comfortable. People need to feel comfortable in order to let their true emotions come out and be captured.                                       
  7. The best benefits that come out of working in groups is:A) getting different perspectives, B)getting things done more efficiently,C) learn how to work with others and their schedules, D)manage work load and time accordingly, and E)develop better communication skills.                                                    
  8. The difficulties that are associated with working in groups is A)distraction with your peers, B) unequal distribution of work, C) unclear communication which ends in misinterpretation D) working around everyone's busy schedules. and E) conflict between team members.                        
  9.                               I thought the first photo photo taken by Sharon Hsu was amazing! The background, and colors create a comforting mood for the entire picture.                                                                                
  10. Our Masters of Photography project was Eugene Smith. Smith captured some humorous and even silly photos however all these photos all were about serious issues, war for example. Eugene was able to use his photography to try and convince young people to join and help fight the war so he used his photography to spread awareness and make a statement                                     
  11. Dorothea Lange's most famous picture was named Migrant Mother. The photo was taken in Nipomo California on March of 1936. The agency that employed her at the time of the photo was called FSA: Farm Security Administration.                                                                                        
  12. Life Magazine began publishing in 1936.                                                                                                  
  13. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935.                                                                                                            
  14. Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum which started in 1947. 

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